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Code of good conduct

La Maddalena Archipelago represents a fundamental part of Pelagos Sanctuary for the protection of marine mammals in Mediterranean. Whale watching can be a cause of great disturbance for cetaceansand its regulation allows to reduce the impact of boaters and fishermen on the vital behavior of dolphins and whales.

General rules:

Code of good conduct Do not get closer than 100mt;

Code of good conduct Turn off depth sounders and sonar;

Code of good conduct Move slowly and regularly;

Code of good conduct Do not change speed or direction;

Code of good conduct Do not exceed 5 knots of speed;

Code of good conduct Limit the observation time to 30min;

Code of good conduct Non toccare i cetacei;

Code of good conduct Do not feed the cetaceans;

Code of good conduct Do not swim with cetaceans.

Montebello21 ✓ Codice di Buona Condotta

Prohibited area (100mt) Identify the area within which boats must not enter for any reason.

Supervisory area (330mt) Identify the area within which it’s possible to enter for a quick observation.

Code of good conduct Sources and Insights

La Maddalena


Code of good conduct