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Il Cavaliere

Cavaliere (knight) beach is located on the island of Budelli’s north-east coast and it’s a wonderful bay with fine-grained white sand. Its rocks have a gold color with pinky shades and are framed by the scented Mediterranean scrub (sea lilies, helichrysum and fennel). The water has an incredible light blue color, which makes it look like a natural swimming pool. For this reason, this area is also called “Manto della Madonna” (Virgin Mary’s mantle), due to the spectacular nuance that evokes a divine fabric.

Nearby, in the inland areas, you can find a pond that is particularly charming as it’s frequently visited by gazettes, herons, coots and mallards.

Montebello21 ✓ Alert To face up the continuous retreat of the beach, which has been reduced by about half of its total volume, La Maddalena Archipelago National Park Authority has established that the access to the beach, the pond and the Mediterranean scrub is absolutely forbidden. Administrative penalties, as per ordinance, start from a minimum of 300.00€.

Montebello21 ✓ Notice For a serene and conscious holiday, please consult the National Park zoning map on the official website


La Maddalena


Il Cavaliere